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Education Ecosystem Guangzhou Meetup Recap

On September 15th, just before a typhoon affected the area, the Education Ecosystem China team held its first meetup in Guangzhou, China.

Education Ecosystem is a decentralized learning ecosystem that teaches people how to build complete products in future technological fields. The theme of this meetup was “Applications of Blockchain Technology in Education”. Members of our team presented on how blockchain technology could be applied to educational areas such as educator copyright protection, teaching data collection, and academic qualifications. Our team also spoke to some of the attendees about Education Ecosystem’s history and early beginnings.

We recently launched the Chinese project creators recommendation program. Interested project creators or those who know someone that would make a great project creator are encouraged to reach out to [email protected] if they want to become part of the ecosystem. A reward of 130 yuan will be awarded to anyone who will successfully recommends a project creator.

At the meetup, our team and the audience conducted in-depth interaction where event attendees learned more about our first product LiveEdu.

Here are some photos from the event:

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Education Ecosystem Staff
About author

The Education Ecosystem Staff consist of various writers who are experienced in their field. The staff strives to educate and inform others of what's happening in the technology industry.